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Topic 5 The Rise of modern Europe

Coursebook (Answer-checking PDF)
Flipped Classroom
PPT Topic 5 - Topic Overview
PPT Topic 5 - A (1) From God-centred to human-centred: the Renaissance and the Reformation (The Renaissance)
PPT Topic 5 - A (2) From God-centred to human-centred: the Renaissance and the Reformation (The Reformation)
PPT Topic 5 - B The Age of Reason: the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment
PPT Topic 5 - C (1) Technological advancement: the Industrial Revolution (Era of technological advancement, Causes of the Industrial Revolution, Why did the Industrial Revolution start in Britain?)
PPT Topic 5 - C (2) Technological advancement: the Industrial Revolution (Major developments during the Industrial Revolution, Impacts of the Industrial Revolution)
PPT Topic 5 - D (1) Pursuit of freedom and democracy: the French Revolution and its historical significance (Background to the Revolution: France under absolute rule, Causes of the Revolution, Course of the Revolution)
PPT Topic 5 - D (2) Pursuit of freedom and democracy: the French Revolution and its historical significance (France after the Revolution: the Napoleonic Era, Influence of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Era)
PPT Topic 5 - History Extended
Study Notes
Teaching Handbook (Suggested Lesson Plan included)
Workbook (Answer-checking PDF)